Positions Available for 2024
BASILEUS – Presides at all chapter meetings and the Executive Board. Performs the duties, which are usually executed by the Chief Officer. Appoints the Parliamentarian, Custodian, Chairmen and members of all committees of the Chapter except the Nominating Committee, which is elected by the membership. Shall exercise general supervision over the Chapter. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
GRAMMATEUS – Records the minutes of the Chapter meetings and the Executive Board meetings. Keeps an accurate record of each soror’s attendance at Chapter meetings and Executive Board meetings.. Shall call roll on request. Plans with the Basileus the agenda for the Chapter meetings and Executive Board meetings. Presides in the absence of the Basileus and Anti- Basileus. Member of the Executive Board and the Finance Committee.
PECUNIOUS GRAMMATEUS – Receives all monies of the Chapter and shall make entry of the amounts in her records and turn the money over to the Tamiouchos, taking receipt thereof. Notifies Sorors of their financial status. Submits records necessary for an annual audit. The Pecunious Grammateus shall be a member of the Executive Board and the Finance Committee. Shall be bonded.
IVY LEAF REPORTER – Submit Chapter news and photographs to the Ivy Leaf Magazine. Shall be a member of the Public Relations Committee and Executive Board.
HISTORIAN – Writes and keep current the history of the Chapter. A member of the Public Relations Committee and Executive Board. Chairman of the ArchiveCommittee.
PHILACTER – Keeper of the door during all official meetings and ceremonies of the Chapter to ensure privacy. Supports the presiding officer in maintaining peace and order. Checks all credentials or eligibility of those attending Chapter meetings. Member of the Membership Committee and the Executive Board.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE (5 MEMBERS) – Prepares list of nominees of each office of the Chapter. Sole determiner of a candidate’s eligibility for the specific office sought. Verifies the accuracy and completeness of data to determine the eligibility of candidates. Only recommends candidates for the slate who have been certified. Encourages Sorors to suggest potential nominees for various offices. Shall file the same for reference when making a slate. Shall be elected by the membership annually in November.
The election in November is fast approaching. Please consider holding a chapter office in 2024.
Respond to Nominating committee with any questions, nominating@ocoaka.com.
Nominating Form: